Why DatingElite?

Maybe the question should be Why Not EliteDating? Before we cover why or why not we need to review three things.

The WHY: This is the vision of your company. It’s the motivation behind your service or product. It’s the mission that you stand for. when complete this leads to the HOW and the WHAT.
The HOW: The HOW are the practical steps you need to take to achieve your WHY. The HOW is the practical, operational knowledge that brings the vision to life.
The WHAT: The WHAT is the product or service your selling. It’s the tangible part of your company, and it’s also the easiest to identify.

The Why: There is a need for Singles to meet other Singles. In today’s online world where many are glued to a computer, tablet, phone or other electronic device. Singles require assistance that also meets the virtual demand, which leads to online dating sites and apps. Many Singles struggle to make ends meet or are frugal.

The How: If singles require virtual connections, Then build a Web site or App. In this case we did both.

The What: We offer services for free, so that users (Singles, Elite Singles, ElitePartners, and etc.) are able to connect, beginning those first steps virtually so that physical connections can be made.

DatingElite.net is an informational site with links back to EliteDating.com. Elite Dating connects those that have formal education or those that have educated themselves. Advancing their mental acuity, physiological capacity, and overall well being.

Today’s social constructs demand more of individuals. Women for the most part now work to also support families. Men are no longer able to just have a job, come home put up their feet and call it a day. They to must contribute to the overall well-being of the family.

We state this so that both women and men are aware of what is next to come. Being married for a period of time now with several children this advise was learned first hand.

Were we live

We began our lives in North America, a metropolitan city where the plan was I would work and my partner would raise our children. Of course we were to help each other always, but those were going to be our core responsibilities.

ElitePartner.com advertisement

It didn’t take long to realize those were patterns of our parents and that it was thinking of the past. A mortgage, a car, children and etc. demanded more than one (average) income supported. In order to balance home live we each need a work schedule and to split up domestic duties. Learning to do laundry, cook, and mentor our children, plus working 50 to 60 hours a week was a challenge.

There is much more to the story and we will share it over time. Because you are worth it we focus our attention on finding someone for you.

One of the main reasons for the dating service was that as we matured and our children grew, the internet also grew. So much so that children texted their friends from the curb when going out, instead of just walking to the door and ringing the door bell. The door bell was rude and intrusive!

Why not

Two of our children used dating sites to meet their now spouses. Dating sites do work and they could work for you. Maybe the question should be Why Not EliteDating. Contact us if you need more convincing.